Sunday, November 20, 2005
marleen bday
all my troubles seems so far away...
haha just joking..
kk lets see wat happened yesterdae...
1st.. i reached home at 2am in the morning... after sending tara home...
2nd.. i slept at 2.30am in the bloody morning...
3rd.. i forgot that yc and david are going to jog with me in the morning..
4th... i was woken up by that rude-looking and sounding bloody handphone...
5th.. i had to go jogging at 8am in the morning..
blar blar blar...
okay so i woke up went jogging and only managed 1/2 the standard due to unforeseen circumstances.. not bad still anyway.. i just miscalculated their strengths :/ btw... DAVID CAN DO 18 PULLUPS!!! KNN... I WILL TRAIN FOR 20 LIAOZ!! U JUST WATCH OUT U...
went to eat breakfast at northpoint...
went home..
updated blog..
meet yc at yishun..
went orchard to aimlessly shop for presents..
never managed to got any..<== only thought of making handicraft.. maybe i will make those for Xmas gifts..
kanna trashed...
meet with the rest..
i trashed them... :D
walked around aimlessly to find dinner..
had dinner at crystal jade..
sending tara to bus-stop...
saw my cousin!!
sent tara to bus-stop..
went to yishun..
watched harry potter 4 and the stupid useless directing... <== that means the movie sucks
no one wanna drink the vodka i brought cos of commitments............<--- poor yc carried the bottle all ard
sent marleen home...
kanna labelled as a stalker -.-"""""
went home ZZzzZZzzZZzZzZZzZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
woke up at 1300hrs :D..
>> <== this means forward
typing blog wearing only my one and only boxers at 6:23pm after having dinner....
Things which i cant stand about girls:
1.smoke (absolutely NO-NO friends also will try to siam... in fact i can't stand smoke -_- maybe thats one of the reason i dun really like clubs.. but smokers still can haha as long as they smoke into my face)
2.make up till like monkey backside one (ok lar light makeup still ok.. but put blusher till whole face red?? maybe attractive at 1st glance but not the 2nd 3rd blar blar blar)
3.skimpy dressing(imagine sharing ur gf with hundred over guys on the street.... those stuff should be reserved for ur bf/husband only wat)
4.tan lines
5.more pimples than me
6.ACBC<== super disgusting... i shall not mention names :p
7.think themselves as the centre of the whole blood universe and that the whole world(involving family members) must revolve around them and the whole would stop if they died<== in short, self-centred
8.more vulgarities than me!! aiyo... u say so many i need to say more u noe
9.taller den me by visible range i.e. anything more than 0.00001 cm hehe jk maybe 5 cm lar
10. fat girls.. and dun make an effort to slim down eh its okay to be fat!! i am fat!! but at least try? i trying leh!! i slimmed 7 kg after coming back from tamworth... although net gain for this yr is 1kg :/
11.tattoos in the wrong places.. kinky if correct :D
12.girls who dun even noe how to cook a basic dish...
13.spend money like water<== pls leh next time i where find enough money to feed them!! eh i meant her..
haha the list seems quite short hor? but those are the unlucky 13... actually onli got one unforgivable nia... *shrugs* i think girls have quite an easy life rite? no wonder david that time say no matter how ugly the girl is still will got ppl like one... so for those girls who are reading my blog now dun worry!!! cfm will got ppl wan u and can get married one
hehe where the more impt list is...
1.sweet<== not to the extent of sugary...
2.can cook<== the most important!!
3.noe how to take care of ppl
4.filial<== 2nd most important!!!!!!
5.a bit of attitude<== albeit fetish
6.independent at times<== other times i take care of her mah
7.dun always say wat mcp mcp mcp mcp mcp mcp shit<== pls leh u girls wan to be taken care of and when the guy take care of u(albeit too much at times) den u complain he is a mcp... dun wan mcp rite? next time girls open doors for guys girls pay for guys girls work guys stay at home and go shopping lar????
9.not m<== i think my friends would noe what this is :D
10.appreciate me for wat i am!!! <=== 3rd most important
11.look good in office wear<== albeit fetish again!!
12.try not to wear skimpy clothings in public<== note public with me
haha cannot think of more le tried to balance the likes and dislikes... i think i am just a big grown baby haha as long as got ppl cook for me, play with me, do things with me and care for me can le :D dun ask for much rite hehe
Saturday, November 19, 2005
social night
some of the photos we took...
Me and my date
Another photo of me and tara..
acting cute!! haha jk cute lar cute lar okay
and they dance on and on
the birthday kids?
Ben proposing to his girlfriend!!
midnight activities
siao gina sitting alone
christmas tree?
the flowers i gave her, her handbag, the door gifts- bear and flowers again -.-
Sunday, November 13, 2005
before book in
- flood the girl u like with gifts.. even stupid things like a piece of tissue(i dun noe how to spell serviettes whahaa :p self-joke) with ur parents number on it...
- dun be a jerk.. it only helps u to get short term sluts :p
- go to a national park in the middle of the night and take naked pictures and have sex after that...
- have a plan.. even if its a lousy plan, have one
- this is the most important one of all.... always try ur best... either u try ur best or dun try at all
hehe now go bathe and pack stuff... see going to meet dq they all for pool or not...
Book out
hmmm what did i did today...
- bought my social night shirt at queensway
- wasted 2 hours of eric and yc's life <=== p.s. ya that faggot tat always late is yours sincerely :D
- wasted tara's time
- ate IKEA hotdog!!!!!
- tried to shop for marleen's bday gift lolx!! bth in the end never buy anything
- watch Just Like Heaven
- went to 7-11 to buy margatina <== dunno spell correct or not... 5% alc nia.. understand what they feel like high... i drink nia i start doing stupid things... -_-" worse thing is that i feel i should do the stupid thing... obviously i din lar u dumb arse!!!
- had a few negative feelings... e.g. feeling tat i am losing touch with my JC friends... which i think i am.. haven been in contact with ck, ws and david for like... forever!!
- blogging at 2:18am after watching miss congentiality...
- wanna choose a new blogskin and a new tagboard next...
rather stupid hor this entry... haha some of the stupid things... i actually thinking of bashing the bottle on the floor leaving the splitters all around den tml ppl think got gangfight wahahaha but all i ever did was tried blowing the tu tu tu tu tu tu tuuuuuu song... really sia... alcohol removes restrictions on guys... ladies beware!! zhiwei is not to be approached even when he onli had one drink!!! he will get drunk!! like real..
on ya... another thing is the tagged 5 items one... wa liew yc go tag me lor... den now like... should i do another one.. den later i tag back him and to and fro and to and fro and to and fro and to and fro... u get my drift.. den how ar? den wun end... den all my dirty clothings all come out liaoz how?!?!?
Just like heaven quite nice date movie.. those going with a date can consider going to watch... but 3 guys watching together is.... gay man..... i should go get a girlfriend or something.... or else i just going to rot at home everyday sia...
Thursday, November 10, 2005
nothing better to do..
Rules: Post 5 Weird and Random Facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this.
#1: I LOVE OUTFIELD!!! <=== freako
#2: I rather eat bread for meals!! <=== freako
#3: I don't really enjoy flying cos its damn boring <=== but i still signed on as pilot... freako
#4: I can creak most of my joints including the little fingers, the toes, my whole spinal cord, my neck, elbows, knees, ankles, shoulders blar blar blar :D <=== freako!!!!
#5: I only about 1 gb of **** now in my collection <=== freako.. considering my friends have over 10+ gb at least
The next lucky 5 on the list to do the quiz!!
#1: Tara
#2: Marleen
#3: Edwin
#4: You Rong
#5: Shi Lin
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
updates of a bug's life
today is tues day.. i doing my EXTRA duty.. for? not sleeping after 2230(thats the standard lights out timing for air wing in case u all dunno) and i KANNA 2!!!!! why... cos i last last sun was CWC(cadet wing comd) den i gong gong siao siao go and send the bloody CWC report to my instructor at 2330... thats like 1 hour after lights out lor... and i tot i very clever den i go and change the timing on my computer... i siao one.. forgot tat the timing tat will be tagged to the mail will be thru the mail server.. and thus... ~sigh i kanna one extra... den on the following day... many of us stayed up in the night to study for our exam which is on last last tues lar and thus ANOTHER extra.. so its TWO extras... the only good part is that i managed to scrape a 70% for the exam thus saving myself from one X confinement haha unlucky of the others though...
yesterday we went sembawang air base to visit and MOST of the ppl book out after that..another idiocrasie of mine.. i chose to stay in... !!!! stupid fuck rite... den when we went back i bought BK for dinner hehe...
on sunday nothing to do.. went ktv with weili and yc... ~sigh feel so lousy... weili sing really so much better and i can't sing for fuck!! so those who are going ktv with me be warned this is one voice that could make u lose ur appetite!!! after that me and yc loitered ard causeway point following which we bought 2 vcds and promptly went to my house to watch haha drink drank drunk not bad... the cd with me now :D who wan can borrow from me.. i noe outdated lar.. but i old-fashioned and outdated mah!! for god's sake i still have the soul of a 15-yr old!! <== or tat is wat i force myself to believe bah
onwards to more bleak issues... recently my mood and character seems to have taken a turn for the worse... so ppl becareful ar... i will be very anti-social and quick to temper recently one hor.. i think its the environment problem..~sigh should not dwell too much on that.. bleak issues are meant to oneself not to others.. this made me think abt the importance of religion and the need for outdoor sports... as many of u ppl noe i am an indoor person and thus have little/ virtually no contact with the outside world... so as a change... WHO WANNA GO SENTOSA TO BIO CHARBO!!! PLS CONTACT ME AT 9*** **** thank u :D sianz... i think i need to get started on my course project le.. or else cannot finish in time..only left 2-3 weeks to end of course and ONWARDS TO BRUNEI<== i actually looking forward to eating grass.. guess i am an army man afterall :/