Thursday, March 09, 2006

ultimate sianzation

~sigh very sianz.. kanna confined for the next 5 weekends... but also good lar.. at least it puts an end to this @$%#^$#%@#$ shit.. haha okay lets see the pros and cons of being confined

save money
save money
save money
dun need to think what to do
dun have to do anything

missing the IT fair today fri and sat <== not going to buy anything anyway
missing the chalet that yc planned <== ~sigh no use thinking abt it lar
missing the chances to go out with friends <== treat as saving bah
missing the chances to eat at home <== wed pia home lor...
have to wake up early <== most dulan one....
can't get my free macdonald's meal <== :p haha

haha so all in all the pros and cons roughly balance out!!! good good good :D