Sunday, August 27, 2006

another book out

waaa august is a good month haha the somewhat confined course can book out again hehe... let me post some pictures of the outing hehe

the four of us(one small group) going to fremantle(the coast) :D

at the beach hahahahahahaha ok maybe i gain A LITTLE weight

when in doubt pls talk to my hand

waaaa so song... book out..

went to eat hongkong bbq food den go walk abit den went to take train to fremantle... walked the flea market.. maybe will buy something back from there... went to the round house by the beach took the 1st foto above... cpt chia the one with the orange sunglasses treat us to oysters and seafood tray quite not bad lar oysters VERY fresh... but there write best fish and chips in the world.... abit... *shrugs* but the oysters are goooodddddd salivating hahaha after that took train to another stop(for the beach) walk abit den go back le... quite fun outing... saw alot of chiobus japs... koreans... mainland chinese... hahahaha somehow more of them on the train... on ya another incident... here the train need to press a button den the door will open one... stupid rite... dun press dun open... we missed a stop cos of that... kaoz

Monday, August 14, 2006

national day

waaa so good book out AGAIN on national day haha whole sqn go out play bowling so nice haha den after tat got sqn dinner at a rest... supposedly watching web telecast of ndp one... but too lag le keep jumping den sua liaoz... no chance cannot watch... after dinner book in den tml half day wahahahahha relax life sia... but in the morning we go in chui... need to amend alot of stuff cos suddenly change program... ~sigh.. sat and sun nothing much happened.. went gym till now body aching nia... den slept in alot.... haha missed lunch on both days cos overslept... tml morning late in but got flight... now haven prepare.. how!!! chui.....

Saturday, August 05, 2006

1st official book out

haha 1st official book out for 130th auth by CO haha so nice of him... maybe cos he noe i ytd bday tats why rofl *bo yao lian* haha ytd whole day damn bz... sianz.. haha my dy comd gave me a led torchlight for bday present... i think he actually go memo all of our bdays sia... so nice of him oso... den at night we played mahjong... haha supposed to be a competition only but in the end ************** ya u noe wat i mean lar hor... haha lost quite abit lor... played at 2 tables lost both tables... got one lose is DAMN bu yin gai one... got ping hu but eyes is bai ban... noe cannot ping hu still go ask... they all say can den i blur blur go open... den lose 5 folds to all 3... chui... if that one never lose still wun lose so much dun tok abt last night liaoz... tok abt BOOK OUT!!! wahahahahhaha

lets see... itiernery..
930 on board bus... 17 of us
1030 reach perth...
11 of us went for dim sum!!! each one 15 dollars... but one of my course cpt subsidy for 10 of us... so only 10 each... he paid 70 haha so nice of him(starting to get over use liaoz hor)
1130 started to walk ard perth and northbridge...
went arcade... went to check out movie timings... went to see the shops...
1300 broke up into smaller grps...
walked ard till 1430...
met up with josh's fren who is studying in perth she brought us to FOS at harbourtown (factory outlet stores lar... not full of shit u shithead)
bought davidoff coolwater for $30 for 40ml there... thought quite cheap... come back surf net den discover knn... online sell 125ml 40$... kaoz tio pian... oh yes... also bought my 1st set of darts(hehe going to ask tara to teach me) hahahahahaha
1730 went back to perth city to go king's park nice view lar... but abit like on shears bridge looking at singapore city liddat... ABIT miss home lar... abit nia.. haha
1850 went to have cheap jap food... basically chix cutlet rice haha taste so like singapore sia.... sianz 1/2....
1940 josh's fren went back with her bf leaving the 4 of us to topo back to meeting point meet some siao ginas along the way... asking for money one... just ignore them as if they invis.. haha
2000 reach meeting point the rest not there yet... went to buy pop pop tea haha
2030 sit bus back to sqn... tml bz day sia

in total today + ytd losses total spent... 250... waaa so much sia...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

oft 3 gh 1 2

waa.... dun fly means once a week or lesser... start nia... bomm bom boommm tues fly wed fly thurs fly... kaoz haha one shot whack 3 sorties le... 1st one in the air... air sick... want to vomit type... ~sigh chui but today one not bad... i even wanted to ask for aeros rofl but cant lar... my airex not that zhai... cant really maintain straight and level well yet... keep drifting... kaoz.. 2 mm means drift liaoz... sianz rofl but not bad fly quite abit myself... after flight go LP local purchase... bought stuff for tml mess and for my course mates and myself... not bad... spent 50 bucks one shot.. bought chocolate marshmellows haha DAMN fucking nice... in tamworth oso got buy.. bought strawberries... fucking cheap!!! 1/2 kg 2 auzzie nia haha damn song... treat it as a bday celebration on my own bah haha.. dun really feel like reminding my coursemates my bday... later tio yogurt( one guy tio le ) or tio strip and throw in water( did during tamworth....) or GOD KNOWS what fucking thing they will do... abit sianz though... thinking that i will spent my almost WHOLE bday in sqn tml... morning 630 will reach sqn... den after eowd got mess den have to clear up mess... think will spend abt..... 24-6.5 = 17.5 hrs in sqn/oma tml? haha chui...