Thursday, August 03, 2006

oft 3 gh 1 2

waa.... dun fly means once a week or lesser... start nia... bomm bom boommm tues fly wed fly thurs fly... kaoz haha one shot whack 3 sorties le... 1st one in the air... air sick... want to vomit type... ~sigh chui but today one not bad... i even wanted to ask for aeros rofl but cant lar... my airex not that zhai... cant really maintain straight and level well yet... keep drifting... kaoz.. 2 mm means drift liaoz... sianz rofl but not bad fly quite abit myself... after flight go LP local purchase... bought stuff for tml mess and for my course mates and myself... not bad... spent 50 bucks one shot.. bought chocolate marshmellows haha DAMN fucking nice... in tamworth oso got buy.. bought strawberries... fucking cheap!!! 1/2 kg 2 auzzie nia haha damn song... treat it as a bday celebration on my own bah haha.. dun really feel like reminding my coursemates my bday... later tio yogurt( one guy tio le ) or tio strip and throw in water( did during tamworth....) or GOD KNOWS what fucking thing they will do... abit sianz though... thinking that i will spent my almost WHOLE bday in sqn tml... morning 630 will reach sqn... den after eowd got mess den have to clear up mess... think will spend abt..... 24-6.5 = 17.5 hrs in sqn/oma tml? haha chui...