nearly forgot to blog for yesterday sia..
anyway... this is wat happened... after "work" we were gathered at the officer mess in AFS for a little get-together session with our oc... he treated drinks and snacks while we sing karaoke... ya lar we pay monthly subscription to the mess of cos free ktv lar!!! but we sing a few songs nia den we went off le...
after the little get-together, yong chin and i went over to tampines mall.... dunno for wat sia oso... den after going there den he realised that his fren works there den we go over to meet her as she is going to knock off from work... we proceeded to walk ard while waiting for her to knock off...
we went to yamaha to look at guitars....
we went to popular to look at webcams?????.....
and we went to ljs to meet his fren... surprise surprise got another girl...
did i mention their names are pearlyn(mjc/ntu!!) and jie qi(yjc!!/nus)?
haha den the three of them had dinner at ljs while i sip at my diet coke..... p.s. i had my dinner in afs after the run and swim there liaoz...
after their dinner...
we went shopping ard to look for the webcam that yc wanna buy...
in the end he bought a 49++ webcam from popular haha no brand one but not bad lar at night i webcam with him quality not bad
after he bought his webcam... we went over to starbucks to drink coffee.. haha i and yong chin kanna conned bought lousy coffee... den after tok cok and drink coffee, we decided its time to go home le... so yc went and take taxi home(he live bedok which is like... FREAKING near) and the 3 of us went to the bus interchange to take bus home... my bus came liaoz so i and jie qi went up the bus leaving pearlyn behind...
on the bus tok cok tok cok with jie qi..
saw cockroach...
den khatib le.. jie qi went down to take 851/852 home..(she live in bishan)
den i continue to take bus home....
reach home 11++ webcam with yc...
now time is like 12++ and i have to sleep now.. or else overslept like this morning