Tuesday, November 07, 2006

base closure

waaaaa got tixs back to sing le!!!! so happy that i actually wan to blog about it haha most prob will be reaching singapore at 18 or 19th dec lai lai can start booking supper dates outings etc le hahaha sad thing is tat most prob going back or rather coming back on the 31st of dec i.e. celebrating new year on the plane? wtf?!?!?! haha bo pian lar hor haha heck can go back i happy le!! must start saving money... the tix alone is 1200 auzzie le... liddat left onli 700 in my bank... and need to buy sov and need to leave abit for when come back and another 3 mths and bht dinner haha think so far as if i will pass liaoz haha

so so... anyone wan to go ktv or supper dates or chionging?