haha so fast so furious!!! unknowingly already entered the last 2 weeks of my stay in aust le!!! will be going back to sg on the 18th!!! yup thats less than 14 days to go!!!! omg lar so exciting!! leave cfm le... tixs cfm le... everything sui sui le as long as we dun screw up anything lar haha...
kk anyway on my pilot progress... recently just failed a sortie haha kanna repeat den chui chui but so far ok lar managed to pass that hurdle... now all left to do is to get thru GHT haha shld be able to make it bah... must have CONFIDENCE!!!
anyway.. going back must remember to buy gifts for the ppl back in sg... or else sure tio big time one... family... friends... haha cfm kanna big time..
oh btw... i got a girlfriend le!!! wahahaha but the relationship only lasted 20-40 seconds... haha confusing? weird? sad? aiya will tell u all in more details when i get back