Saturday, July 15, 2006

1st mess nite

haha last friday was our 1st mess night in here... we prepared wanton noodles for the whole sqn.. waaaa we made like 1000++++ wanton for 100 ppl.. haha as expected... too much leftovers have to bring back to bunks.. also dunno wat to do with it sia... haha eh... started clearing up at 1248am.. not bad ar? quite early haha and ya... the most juniors would be the ones clearing up and cooking!! and thats U !!! shld any 131 even reads this blog hahahaha eh quite fun overall lar.. just abit tired at the end of it.....haha enuff tok.. upload some fotos :D see how fat this fatso became :D

me with the chips!!! haha this was taken after tree planting last sat or last last sat... i think i slimmed down abit from then... i think haha