Saturday, July 01, 2006


haha just went to plant trees this morning... haha community service by the sqn.. go out there help plant trees with the auzzies... although there is like... over 80% comprises by our sqn... hahahahaha eh quite fun lar... when we heard we have to go rite... we were thinking.... waaaa shovels earth gloves hard backbreaking work... haha in the end go there is all mini 5-30 cm trees.... already loosened rows of soil and great equipment... haha the equipment damn fun... plunge the 'gun' in the ground, step on the lever to open the bottom part of the gun(from V to ), throw the plant into the barrel, lift up the gun, VIOLA! tree planted!!!!!!! haha press spring to recharge gun and next u go!!! no bending over no nuts :D!!! after the planting we went back to sqn to have a bbq lunch!! haha where 1/2 of my course stayed back to help prepare one... damn nice sia... the food... its like... the bbq is also damn different... gas-powered totally rocks!! haha somemore here winter is like permanent aircon... so u basically just bbqing in the aircon environment :D damn song!! somemore we go screen movie in the mess... of cos lar we most junior course we have to stay back to clear up but *shrugs u can only be the most junior course once rite!! for ANY 131s reading :D~~~~~ we will be awaiting ur arrival :D haha better go learn how to cook tell u hahahaha anyway... to show u guys how much i have been fattened up since coming here....
hehe some random grassland and the handsome fatty :D

the amount of beer these fishes trying to drink haha *growing up to be a fishie*